Obtaining a state identification card in Arkansas and an out-ofstate birth certificate seemed impossible for this individual. Our facility received this young man on a Monday. During that week, we were able to order him an out-of-state birth certificate and receive it. We gathered the necessary documentation and took him to the DMV to obtain his first Arkansas state ID, allowing him to obtain full-time employment with an employer. Having identification was crucial to his success, he was aware that he would not be able to achieve his goals without it. It seemed impossible for him to achieve it on his own. As a part of his journey, we are honored to be able to share in his excitement and gratitude.
A substance abuse problem can change everything in a person’s life, but many channels of help exist. While there is psychological and social rehabilitation for recovering addicts, there are also legal channels.Resolving legal problems caused by addiction is a pivotal and necessary processes in recovery, and it can go a long way with ensuring that post-recovery life is enjoyed to its fullest. Much of the rehabilitation that takes place in a recovery center is based on preparing clients for what to expect in the outside world; to that effect, providing basic legal help falls under that purview.
For our clients who are already here under terms of alternative sentencing, supervision violations, or probation revocations, the majority are facing legal stipulations from surrounding counties and or courts For our population recidivism is more likely if these legal barriers are not identified prior to them leaving the program. Our staff prioritizes reaching out to these surrounding courts to fulfill the ongoing legal problems our clients are struggling with. Some of these barriers include but are not limited to the following:
• Failure to appear
• Failure to pay
• Driving while intoxicated
• Child support
• Petty theft
• Unmet community conditions such as community services
By arranging court dates, transportation, providing letters of conduct, urinalysis reports, and facilitating court communications our clients are given the opportunity to leave our program with the ability to live a sober and productive lifestyle without further incarceration. Our caseworkers reach out immediately upon arrival to the surrounding counties for incarceration history and convictions. By doing this mass sweep at client intake we are able to find unresolved legal matters that clients have missed. A weekly budget includes all fines and fees for each of these stipulations. In our weekly case management, we take these factors into account. It is our belief that clients can better prepare for life on their own.
Healing the Wounded Heart
We all know that some experiences in life are very painful, and We all know that some experiences in life are very painful, and they can cause deep suffering that lasts a long time. This is what we call “trauma.” Trauma is a deep wound of the heart and mind that takes a long time to heal. It hurts every part of our lives: how we relate to others, how our body feels, what we think about, and how much we can trust God. It can make us feel separated from God and others. We may no longer feel like the same person as before. “Healing the Wounds of Trauma” is a Scripturally based series of sessions that address wounds of trauma from a Biblical perspective. These classes are designed to give the participants a better understanding of God’s unconditional love for us, and the opportunity for immediate healing through the Word of God. In addition, these classes serve as a tool for their future journey.
Fatherhood Fire
Community Alternative Program provides the opportunity to participate in the national Fatherhood fire 6-week program hosted by our staff and UAMS. This program gives our men the tools needed to reenter their children’s lives without disruption. Covering subjects from child support, visitation, emotional regulation, ageappropriate behavior techniques, budgeting, housing, ethics, partnerships, and relationships. This class has the ability to fulfil court obligated parenting classes for our men to acquire visitations and rights within family court. With this class, participants receive rent incentives and case management with 6 months follow up.
What is Cap?
Providing 24 beds for 120 days, Community Alternative is partnered with Washington and Benton County to offer a transitional living program to individuals facing incarceration due to new charges and supervision infractions. This program is designed to hold individuals accountable for their actions while allowing them an opportunity to learn a new way to think, behave, heal, and live. Incarceration has been the preferred method for treating underlying behaviors and symptoms associated with addiction. The unfortunate negative outcome of an incarceration environment may include an increase in substance use disorder symptoms and other mental health disorders, particularly the affective disorders of anxiety, depression, social phobia, and post-traumatic stress syndrome. Statistics show that 41% of this population has experienced childhood sexual trauma, and 100% struggle with mental health paired with a substance use disorder. To combat these factors, CAP provides safe and sober housing, food security, hygiene kits, clothing, case management, mental health counseling, employment preparedness alongside job placement assistance, financial education, medication management, addiction support, and recovery connection. Our program assists clients in obtaining medical insurance, identification, records, driver’s license, child support needs, and fulfilling all legal obligations. Participants engage in a classroom setting daily. The curriculum is designed to reduce recidivism by improving behavior, skills, mental health, social functioning, and access to education and employment. Evidence-based programs include TraumaInformed Care, Motivational Interviewing, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Thinking for a Change. Clients are submerged within a recovery community and held accountable to the standards of a healthy lifestyle. Our goal is to help our clients become self-sufficient, responsible, and stable members of the community.